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9/11 + 20

I spent 9/11 not knowing or believing 9/11 had happened. Well, that’s only half true. But I hope you’ll pardon my phrasing, because this is the first time I’ve ever shared this half-truth. Maybe I never shared it because there are millions of 9/11 stories more important than mine. But hey, if you’d like to know how anyone living in America could have even half-missed it, read on. On September 11, 2001, I was living by myself in an apartment […]


Love the author, don’t love the comments

Try this link. The thing I have to keep reminding myself: ignorant commenters are coming from the same place that this mom, and myself, are coming from. That is, we’re all groping in the darkness just trying to help. So, yes, I honor and recognize that…even as I comment back to a half-dozen of them that Alison didn’t ask them for their advice and there’s no reason for them to phrase their advice as “this solution works” when they have […]



I don’t tell people it’s the most important election of their lifetime. They’re tired of hearing that. I tell them that it’ll be the best-feeling vote they ever cast. Probably at no other point in your lifetime will you get to pull one lever one time and feel that you have rejected 20,000 lies with the probability of 20,000 more lies, 200,000 deaths with the probability of 200,000 more deaths, and absolute disregard for the law, the military, the Constitution, […]

To the Future

9/11 + 20

I spent 9/11 not knowing or believing 9/11 had happened. Well, that’s only half true. But I hope you’ll pardon my phrasing, because this is the first time I’ve ever shared this half-truth. Maybe I never shared it because there are millions of 9/11 stories more important than mine. But hey, if you’d like to know how anyone living in America could have even half-missed it, read on. On September 11, 2001, I was living by myself in an apartment […]